Thursday, May 26, 2011

God grew tired of us

I am watching God Grew Tired of Us. Wow. I am so moved, especially when the Dinka man and his tall glass of chocolate self. He talked about the young boys of Sudan that came to the United States. I am amazed at the men who believe that people who do not know their culture are like humans without land.
I complain every day about what is wrong. But,  this film really made me feel like I was complaining about NOTHING. To be persecuted for being Black and Christian is crazy. Whey Black churches helping out? I am so confused sometimes I just want to stop complaining and stop gossiping because it is not helping ANYONE! I just cant imagine being separated from my children by force. The women is rejoicing to God in the airport in front of over 30 people. She does not care. That's how I want to be. I feel so proud to be African and American. I am so proud to say that I have not forgotten who I am and my ancestors.

Here are my babies.