What do you do when you are rejected from a person, organization, school, etc?
Do better and be better. I have been rejected from a plethora of organizations, people, (never schools Thank God) and other trivial things. It hurt for a second, a day, a month, and sometimes years. But, I am made in the image of God, meaning I believe in revenge! lol
My version of revenge is simply performing better! Ok i am not in the fittest shape so I obviously cannot beat them in a running contest. But, I can be more involved, I can help my professors out more!
I have the best internship known to man. It is like the Lord looked down and said "Here this is just for you" My boss is looks like the Ethiopian version of Hill Harper! East African Pride is taking over Washington!
I love the fact that college students are influenced by rap. I love to hear a white anglo saxon in his late 20s saying"My back man," which really translates into "I am sorry that I offend you. But, please forgive me." Why are we so critical of ebonics, maybe because it has infiltrated the corporate world and the white world. Even oreos (black on the outside but white on the inside) uses the most common forms of black american vernacular, with terminology like "hateration" and "holla". I love it! The best form of flattery is imitation.
FYI, I went to a networking luncheon, and saw a man that looked like an austin powers character. EWW
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