What makes being married to john so much fun is the actual FUN. I hate being sad. I just dont see the point.
We have fun at the supermarket.

We have fun at KJ's house! We have fun making fun of KJ and CJ!
We used to travel more. But some blue and white cellular company *cough* takes up our weekends. They really need a better company culture. I see why there is such a low retention rate.
We even complain about ppl together and enjoy it.
For many years, I was more into John than he was into me. Then God turned the ties. Then he was more into me than I was into him. I like the latter better.
Now, we are more into our children, then into the childish games of who likes who more.
So, if you see us making funny faces, it's because we are working on US!
I graduated with my family by my side. This is truly my favorite picture (even though my hair was JACKED). Jalise was the baby I wanted and Jordan was the baby that John wanted. I am pro-life, because I was told to abort my children, because they didnt fit into the plan that my family and friends had for me. I won't pretend like I didn't consider it, because I couldn't imagine how they'd fit into my plan. Those two are the BIGGEST blessings that I could have ever had.
Thanks Poogie for helping me pay for school! Also, being there for the many SCLC events! Un-official SCLC member. Love you.
God bless you for working. Lawd knows I can't stand a man that doesn't work. I enjoy laughing at your Nigerian/Jamaican/British accents that make no sense at all!
Happy New Years Babes!
Remember ya'll a good marriage=blesses a community.
A bad marriage=problems
a marriage without Christ is no marriage at all!
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