This is a sad, extremely sad day. My thoughts and prayers go to the Cornelius and Houston families.
The sad thing is there have been many deaths in my personal family. I pray that I become more serious about how I spend my life. I want to ensure that I value my worship and time. I am worth more that a government check or a pension check. I'm worth more than a selfish man or woman monopolizing my time. The best thing for me to pursue my time and effort is pursuing Jesus Christ. I need to read more. My new theme song is "Press towards the mark." When I don't feel like kneeling to pray. I will press towards the mark. Thank you Lord that I have knees to kneel before you and a bed in a home to thank you for. When I am in a rush to pray, because I'm late into getting in the car. I will press towards the mark, because the Lord blessed me with a car and a job to be in a rush to go to. I want my attention span to go outside of tangible items.
I went to GIANT (supermarket) and I was so happy to have a lil' pocket change to get all the food that I wanted. I was thanking God for all the money I have. Went to the cashier and a man with special needs was bagging my groceries. I never thought to thank God daily for my mind. So, I remind you all that you have no control over many things. But, Thank God in heaven that HE sent HIS Son Jesus Christ for you and me. I can't believe that HE loved me that much.
Life Is Just A Minute
Life is just a minute—only sixty seconds in it.
Forced upon you—can't refuse it.
Didn't seek it—didn't choose it.
But it's up to you to use it.
You must suffer if you lose it.
Give an account if you abuse it.
Just a tiny, little minute,
But eternity is in it!
By Dr. Benjamin Elijah Mays, Past President of Morehouse College
Listen to this message by Pastor Hawkins, Super Bowl Sermon
"Press Towards the Mark" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L81FapMFUo8
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