Sunday, October 31, 2010


How could i miss hu homecoming? simply im broke. its a damn recession and hu dynasty or whoever has the nerve to charge a damn arm and a leg for step show tickets. and thirsty ass people actually paid the price. im good! i missed it though. congrats to the deltas and alpha phi alpha. Delta alpha chapter is coming up after the akas spanked that ass for the past two years. i guess the 08 was a magic line ( shout outs to b. reeves and c. jones love you ladies). Im partial to the alphas bc college park alphas are grrrrrrreat! So i guess hu ones are great too. whatever. on to the next one. maryland step show was WHICKATY WACK! even with big tigger hosting. sooo sad try again next year. Congrats to the Zetas and the Iotas who won. although the iotas werent from campus im not going to hate because me love me some umd iotas . i mean who doesnt love a centaur? i love greek mythology. some say those damn iotas want to take a girl to heaven....i might have to oblige. but for real the zetas won? maybe the greek life at college park will have a resurgence. only time will tell. ill be here for one year.