Monday, December 20, 2010

When I think of home

Sorry for the flip
I think of prisons. weird enough i was watching hawaii five o with johnny pictured to the right=>
the police cop with the sexy chinky eyes said mayo and lemon was an old prison trick. so im calling my mommy to find out the tricks in her prison: here are some:
1. Mayo as a hair condition,
Mayonnaise is just eggs and olive oil
Eggs: Protein strengthens hairs! Buono!!!
Olive Oil: oil silkens the hair shaft! Buono Buono!!!
2. Blond Hair Dye

 mix 1 tbsp lemon juice with 1 gallon of warm water.
blonde highlights, take 1 cup lemon juice and 3 cups chamomile tea. Brew the tea and cool it.

Mix these ingredients and damp your hair. Pour it over your hair and leave it for 1 hour. During this time, sit in sunlight. Then wash it out.
3. Going for a deep brown?
Brew black tea or black coffee and rinse your damp hair with it according to procedure told above. Repeat this process daily for few weeks to get desired results.
4. Red dye
KOOL-AID!!! use your inner ghetto child and pop out that koolaid
5. Need foundation for your face but dont have any MAC
use the powder from Hot Chocolate like a firm press foundation

ill post more later when i can contact my mom

Thursday, December 2, 2010

its been almost a month

this last month has been really hard. I thank God for a great family and great friends (especially prego ones hi baby kricharla! ). I am perplexed and confused on what i want from next year. I would like to go into the year with a bang!! New hair style, new job, and hopefully a good gpa! I want SCLC to be better and badder than last semester. We are good, I must admit. but we can be better organized. Same goes for Camp Lightfoot. I love camp and sclc. I just want to make sure that i am not doing too much. I want time for family and friends. I have the greatest friendss!!!! did i mention, i met the governor and lt governor of maryland! pretty cool!